Sunday, November 13, 2011

How do i get over this pain?

i went to her like people told me to.. well she told her mother and brother to keep me away from her and everything about us, to ensure it was really over.. i told her i'd always always love her.. i thought it was just her bi polar making her this way because we were always on and off, she was always leaving and coming back but now i think its really over she packed up her **** and left.. i gave it a week.. i knew her 13 years was with her 3.. i dont think she'll ever come back, after we lived together she moved back with her mom we were so close... and she left her engagement ring here too.. and i am still unsure as to why i treated her right did everything for her.. spoiled her rotten, gave an arm and a leg just to make her happy. I told her she only had herself to blame that we could never be together again... how do i get over this deep heartache the girl i wanted to marry?? and im still foolish enough to sit here and wish somehow she'll come back...

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