Monday, November 7, 2011

Anyone who could give me the best/or most information, please help I'm scarred?

ok first of all I'm 18 and have a 2 year old daughter, I know i had her young, but that's not what i'm asking about, I recently went to the Gino, and they called me and told me that my cervix had shown some change, so they told me it was either just some inflammation due to and infection or it could be HPV, they want me back in a month to do some test with a microscope i forget what she called it, but its to see the cells and to see what exactly it is, I was just wondering if any one could give me any information about all the strands of the hpv virus, or even websites to point me in the right direction to look it up for myself, I didn't tell my boyfriend this morning because for one i don't know how and for two he is a corrections officer and he doesn't need that kind of distraction at work, I just want more information before i tell him, and so i can at least know what to expect and maybe put my self at some eases, (stuff like how you get it, what all they do, besides the cancer part i already know that, just any other information I would greatly appreciate this)

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