Thursday, November 10, 2011

How do I handle this guy?! (bipolar?)?

I had been with someone diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, which is like haveing bipolar and schizophrenia. things were fine the first year or so ,....then it was a rollar coaster. we ended up having achild together.....which I am raising alone, because he doesn't take care of himself, or his medical problem. and thats just what it is, is a health problem. and if they arent going to take care of themselves and do things for themselves, medicine, therapy, counseling, etc. things will never get better. but 1st and foremost, he needs to admit that there is something wrong..and that is one thing my boyfriend, after about 3 years since he was diagnosed, has not done. it put terrible stress on our relationship, he lost plenty of jobs, he has not talked or seen us(me and our daughter for going on 5 months, our daughter will be turning 2 in a week and a half) i have tried to help him as much as i know how, but without him helping himself, it is/was pretty much pointless. I stuck by him always, even when he would go back with his parents, which was 700 miles away, then ignore me, not talk to me,...all that....and then out of the blue, he would call again and act like things were fine...been there, done that.. it takes a toll on your own heart, mind and body after so long. He is an adult and I couldn't "take care of him" like that anymore. not when he wasn't willing to get the help he needed. It is hard to see someone go through that because you have no idea what they are going through, at all, but ...i did the best i could, the best i knew how. and still that was never good enough, or apparently not what he needed. I was totally committed to him and our relationship and to helping him in his path to wellness, but in a relationship like that, both people have to be committed to each other and stick by each other through the tough times, which...there were more tough times than not. I seriously think you need to think long and hard about having a relationship w/ this person, because it is not an easy road. I will admit that first hand. and it only gets harder, especially when you have been together for quite awhile and then all the sudden things change in the blink of an eye. and that is just it with bi polar disorder. Men are not usually diagnosed until their late 20's. It doesn't usually "show up" til then. and my boyfriend was around 26/27 when he was first diagnosed. so please think about what you are getting into. you will have your feelings hurt, and some days you will not want to deal with it at all. But like me, I tried to stick it out, but guess he just didnt want it that way. Hope this helps you out some. ......and it will be alot easier for you to not get "romantically" involved now, because down the road it will be soooo much harder on you when things go bad...and let me guarantee you, they will. It is a roller coaster...and pretty much it is like walking on eggshells daily because you never know what kind of mood they will be in from day to day. it is a lot of stress and alot of beating yourself up over what you can do. well there isnt much you can do. just go day to day and hope whatever med combination they are on works. and that too is a trial and error kind of thing. it could be 100 different combinations before they find something that works. its hard and you have to have 100% patience and commitment. .....but for my situation only one of us had that,................

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