Saturday, November 5, 2011

My Official Fantasy Draft Picks?!?!?

You definitly need to get rid of those bench RB's and get at least a back up QB and one WR. Tomlinson has very good name recognition and I've found that it's hard for alot of people to reject a trade with him in it. I would say a second QB is your top priority but its hard to tell you exactly what to do with the league being in the state its in right now and the largest free agency market in years, if not history. Try not to go for a player that may be on their way to a new team unless your positive of their talent. You might not even have to do that much work or trading. Your starting team is so good on its own, and I think one of the previous posts was correct in uming this is a 10 team league, so there will be alot of undrafted options. Maybe it would even pay off for you to go two weeks into the season and see how the free agents are adapting and then just add and drop. Hope I helped

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