Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What job will my MOS help me get?

im going to AIT for MP and i was wondering what this would help me get? could i actually come back and apply at the local police dep.? or would i still have to take clases? any info would be great!

Am i being paranoid about this or am i right to be concerned?? friend used to be bulimic..?

You absolutely should talk to her. You have every right to be concerned as a friend. All you can do is be there for her and try to make her understand. Bulimia isn't an easy thing to deal with. If she doesn't stop though, I would advise telling a parent or guardian. It's very dangerous.

Can we have a moment of silence for the late, great, queen of baby naming?

Don't forget the famous Louisiana Judge Hogg, who rather cruelly named his twin daughters Ima and Ura.

Citation help (MLA format)?

when doing in text citations and you paraphrase two sentences in a row from the same source do you have to cite the source after each sentence, or just after the last sentence

Does one get physically stronger with age or added body weight?

I recently benched 230lbs at a ***** sporting goods just to see if I could do what they had on the bench, I'm 27 now and in the worst shape of my life I don't exercise at all. I'm pretty sure I can bench more than 230 since it was so easy to bench. The last time I tried to bench press anything was when I was 24 and use to work out and do manual labor, but then I could only max out at 180 which seems pretty pathetic for a guy that is 6'4" 260lbs at the time. Now I weight 306lbs, could it be the added on body weight, age or possibly more protein (atkins) in my diet?

Hypothetical question for Liberals?

Since the middle cl works alot harder than the upper cl, I would definitely let them in. This was already done before, the conservative country was called Great Britain and the liberal country which separated church and state was called America.

What are good books for 12 year olds to read?

DON'T SAY ANY OF THE "POPULAR BOOKS" ive been looking around and everyone is saying sisterhood of the traveling pants , chronicles of narnia, twilight >.> i just read a book called bound be donna jo napoli ( REALLY GOOD BOOK READ IT ;)) i like ummmm fantasy books ( not like girly faries >.>) mystery o.o (not as boring as sherlock holmes thingys) ehhhhhh what else ........ asian backrounds? (not to be racist! i usually like the torture the receive tho) sooooo yeahhhh sorry for being picky :D

Selling my iPad (1st Gen)??!?

I have the first generation iPad, and I want to get the second generation now. I want to sell my iPad that I have right now, but I want to get the most I can get out of it. The screen is perfect, because I've been using a cover since day 1, and the backside is also perfect. It's a 64 wifi only version. Where would I get the most money out of this? And how much would I get?

Why is it that kids tend to stop crying whenever you mock cry?

I don't know I always thought that was weird myself... but my son will stop crying if I do anything strange, I think its out of the ordinary for them so their wondering why your doing that, you've never done it before... I always thought it was strange how most babies cry when they hear another baby crying... I had to stop watching a baby story or any other show about babies on my TV for a while because if one would cry it would set my son off, its weird how things like that work.

Under details?

A pendulum swings through an angle of 15� each second. If the pendulum is 12 cm in length and the complete swing from right to left lasts 2 seconds, what area is covered by each complete swing?

Background on bacterial enzyme testing and Schaeffer-Fulton methodfor bacillus cereus and bacillus anthracis?

Where can I find the background on bacterial enzyme testing and Schaeffer-Fulton method for bacillus cereus and bacillus anthracis? Are bacillus anthracis able to be seen under a microscope after being heat fixed?

Campbells Chicken Noodle Soup Commercial Num Yummy?


What is the main storyline of halo?

Could someone please tell me the storyline of halo, what are the rings, what are the covenant, and what are arbiters. I just got Halo 3 and i'm not going to get halo 1 and 2 so could someone please get me up to date so i know whats going on in the game?

Banquet halls in Chicago's NW suburbs??

I will be getting married next fall and need to find a reasonable but yet beautiful banquet hall in Chicago's Northwest suburbs! any suggestions???

Do you think that we are still in need of a monetary system?

is it at all plausible that we have developed technology and science to the point that money is completely irrelevant?

Why does nobody ever believe me when I tell them I snowboard or cheerlead?

Like I'm this huge cheerleader, for like 8 years now. And I love love love to snowboard. But when I tell people either one of those, they're like "Whoa! I would have never guessed you do any kind of sports!" Do I really look like a non-sporty person? Ahahah

I'm not quite sure what to write about for my speech.?

I'm a 6th grader, and is running for Historian at the Student Council Election. My speech, posters, and petition are due tommorow morning right during homeroom! I'm not so sure what to write. So far, I have "Good morning, teachers, staff, and fellow students. I am Lily, and I am running for Historian. As Historian, I understand that it will be my job is to take pictures at events and emblies. It will also be my job to do the scrapbook. I cannot make any promises that I cannot keep, but I will work hard everyday to achieve the goals I am aiming for. I hope to make you all proud!" The beginnign is teh beginning... teh ending sentences are the ending... what else might you suggest to me to write about? I hope to impress everyone, win, and "Be all you can be" (or school motto). I'll be on the school TVs in front of 8000 people! Plaese help!

Why do i always get random tiny red spots under the skin on my legs?

but they get lost in a few days but then another will appear, its like tiny red spots together in one spot. but theyll disappear but another will come later on. my dad says its how i always scratch it or how maybe how i always hit my leg with the tables thats why its like a bruise inside. but i only get those on my legs, never in my arms or anything.

Unloving people?

Why are there people in life who are heartless. they have an "I dont care" mentality". These type of people do not love themselves and like being in seclusion. He or she seldom smiles or is happy. They can have a bias mindset. What experiences from childhood can bring about this behavior.

How do I cope with 2 friends who hurt me so much?

Keep away from them. They sound like users. You deserve better, and you should tell your folks not to let either of these two contact you again.

Electoral College question?

im not too sure if i get the idea of this...so lets say texas has 34 electoral votes and the election is b/w candidate A and candidate B. If mccain gets the majority vote in texas does that means he get the 34 electoral votes? and if this is ALL wrong dont get made and please explain in simple terms how it works thanksss :)

I have been reading stuff about 2012?

My opinion is that we will move into an enlightenment period, where we are on another level of consciousness. I also think that our concept of time will be changed. Time may not be anymore which would explain the end of the mayan calendar. We as people learn to take care of each other and our earth. Maybe the enlightenment is that there is no god, forcing people to see we are killing each other and our earth. People think they are going to heaven so they do not care about the earth. what do you think?

What is the driving force for dehydration synthesis of ADP and Pi?

AHHH my chem final is tomorrow. I know it must be the entropy of the system going up since its endo thermic but since its giong from two smaller molecules to one bigger one thats not matter spread so how did the entropy of the system increase? thanks

Can anyone plz give me one reason why dictatorship might be a good system of government... thnx?

The best advantage of a dictatorship is the speed in which decisions can be made. Those decisions may be for the detriment of the people, but it is the speed of such decisions that is the advantage.

POLL: What is your most hated food/dish?

I like alot of things, but i think my least favorite is either SEAFOOD or MUSHROOMS! haha i really cant stand the smell of seafood, plus i just wanna barf when people eat it in front of me. and as for Mushrooms, why would you wanna eat something that is so gross looking! :)

Christians- What is your understanding of the "Apostate Church" in which the coming Antichrist shall rule?

I believe that ALL world religions do make up this apostate church which shall be governed and ruled by the coming Antichrist. The true Church of the Lord Jesus consists of those who have the Holy Spirit of God within them and our body is His holy Temple..Those who do not have His Spirit within them, do have the unholy spirit of the antichrist within and this is why divine Judgment will come to cleanse the earth of those who love evil before Christ comes and reigns for 1000 years. What are your thoughts?

How about the Chargers huh?!?! What now Peyton?

Don't worry about Peyton, he will go on and shoot 5 more commercials now that his team is eliminated. Because Pig boy Rivers is hated by most fans across America because of his boarish behavior on the field......No other quarterback gets into it with opposing team fans, only this idiot can't control himself.

Who is going to get kicked off American Idol tonight?

Whoever chooses who is getting kicked off tonight and the song they sing as their farewell will get best answer tomorrow!

Im just going for a walk... I might be a while.?

it was captain oates who said it and walked out to save his fellow treckers he was a distant relative of mine

Help with organic chem plz, calculate G?

The reaction of chloroethane with water in the gas phase to produce ethanol and hydrogen chloride hase a H = +o.oo9702 horsepower-hour lb^-1 and a S = +0.0001793 horsepower-hour lb^-1 R^-1 @-405.56F. Which of these terms, if either, favors the reaction going to completion? Please calculate G for the reaction.

Monday, November 14, 2011

ysis of a Magnesium-Aluminum Alloy?

A 0.250-g sample of a magnesium-aluminum alloy dissolves completely in an excess of HCl (aq). When the liberated H2 is collected over water at 29 C and 752 torr, the volume is found to be 311 mL. The vapor pressure of water at 29 C is 30.0 torr. What is the m percentage of aluminum in this alloy?

I asked a question here yesterday and no one got my point...?

I think someone did answer that in a manner fitting your intention.. The person was a couple answers above mine... I "got" it but just chose to answer with humor because, you know, this is P&S.... :)

I have a 7 lbs hunk of thawing pork shoulder?

I plan on making something with it in the crock pot. now would it hurt to cook it in there still partially frozen on the inside but mostly thawed on the outside?

Does anyone have any idea when Warner Bros. is gonna release The Dark Knight Rises Teaser via the internet?

Im not sure, but that link isnt correct. If you watch that trailer you'll see that its fake. Its just a bunch of random scenes from other movies put together...

Why is the world happy to get the republicans out of office?

America got a very bad name world wide under the Bush administration. Most of the rest of the world couldn't believe he got re-elected frankly. If you’re a traveler you probably noticed Americans visiting any foreign country were pretending to be Canadian because Americans are disliked. The rest of the world views voting in Obama as a drastic change from Bush, and sees it as the States moving in the right direction. A lot of republican supporters are also horribly racist (as you can see through most answers in this section) and the rest of the world has largely moved past that and frowns upon those who haven't.

Uhmm.. me n my husband r kinda strugglin wit names these are the choices...?

I hope ya'll work it out. My favorite is Ariel, but I don't really care for Beth. What about Ariel Kathleen or Ariel Christine? If you want the full name I like best, it's Samantha Ray. Good luck. By the way, the female Lee looks better spelt Leigh, at least to me.

Does anybody know where i can find this song or why its not on youtube?

ok so i just watched this movie called "What If" at the end wen the credits were rolling it said the song that played was called Prelude (Home) by Steve Azar. i really liked it and looked it up on youtube and its not there. anybody know where i can find it to listen to on the internet or why its not on youtube.?

Wth..she still keep checking on me?

after learning that my exgf (she dumped me btw) kept checking my site and blog account last august, she emailed me and she mentioned that she kept checking my blog out of curiousity and saying cheesy stuff. but i told her that she should never emailed in the first place coz it will help me forget her (then we start emailing each other..its an email fight actually) but after that i told her that we should settle it and never email me again until shes open for communication again with me and give it a trial as friends...she didnt email me back coz she thinks im having my revenge. but after 3 weeks she starts checking my friendster and blogger site again..wth..is she nuts? whats with her?

Is this a good diet plan?

I like the food list... mostly. The best part of this is the 2 X 15 minutes running. I don't think you're reaching your 1200 calories a day minimum though. You must spend most of your day running back and forth to the fridge. The biggest problem I see here is that you ask how long it will take to lose 15 pounds. This tells me you started dieting with the expectation that after the 15 pounds you will go "off" the diet.. So once you reach your goal you may be thinking that the diet is over and now I can go have pizza with the girls or grab a Big Mac meal for lunch on a Saturday at the mall like I used to do and I'll never gain back the weight I lost. BIG mistake. Weightloss is just a wonderful side effect of a healthy lifestyle. You have to eat right and exercise for the rest of your life or you'll be right back here in 6-8 months with an additional 10 pounds asking for dieting help again. It's not a bad plan if you can live like that for the rest of your life..Good luck

7 GRADE: Is this too much?

Yesterday I worked 10 hours on my homework, and finally slept at 4 in the morning. Had 2 hours sleep and went to school, all tired and weary. I hope it's not gonna be like this ever again. How much work did you have when you're in 7th Grade?

A Teacher called Me A Tramp?

Get your parents to call the school. A male teacher is out of line for calling a female student a tramp.

I'm making her a mix cd please help...?

It looks great. I don't know all the songs on there, but I know most of them. You have a good taste in music. I would add The Mixed Tape by Jack's Mannequin in the beginning and maybe some Jack Johnson like the song Better Together. You have a good CD, so you could leave it as is too.

Do people like zombie movies anymore?

Depending how popular your account is, it can really vary, zombies are looked up on youtube about 53% per day, but you got to make it worth watching, if it's some cheap set you're gonna get cheap views:) But do whatever.

Have "pro-creationism, anti-evolution" ministries helped or hindered the progress of evangelism in the U.S.?

I know of a couple of people who won't even consider Christianity because they think they'd be pressured to adopt creationist nonsense.

Why do genies grant three wishes just for rubbing their lump?

I never got any wishes when I rubbed that last guy's lump. DAMN...where are all the genies when you need them!?

Can these fishes live together?

Mollies, platies, like to live in groups of 6 or more so you'll probably want to increase the guppies to 6 otherwise, you're fine there. The two kissing gouramis should be fine with that group as well. I would avoid blue gouramis and maybe go with dwarf blue gouramis instead. The tetras would also work well with this group. The only problem I can see with this tocking is the female bettas. There is not enough of them and they generally dont get along platies or gouramis.Anyways hope this helps!

Is her cough normal with swine flu?

i have a little girl who is almost 2 and she has just been diagnosed with swine flu and has started taking tamiflu., for a while now she has had a nasty cough and she is asthmatic but the last few days it seems to have got worse! she has no Temperature but is not eating properly and cannot stop coughing even after taking her inhaler its even got to the stage where she has made herself sick from constant coughing!! can anyone tell me if im just being paranoid or should i be concerned

What else should I be doing to get the results I want?

I have been steadily working out 5-7 months now and have lost about 70 pounds now im at a stage where i want to tone up. I have been recommended that I should look into "Whey powder protein" but i dont know if I really want to go that route, Im not sure of any side effects it may have. And suggestions on how to tone up my chest area would be helpful, maybe even diet ideas? Thanks in advance

How will an understanding of isotopes help us understand how the earhts climate was 500 years ago?

I've been researching online and i just don't understand what isotopes are and how they can be used to determine the earth's climate in the past? Is it by means of radioactive dating? Please provide me with additional facts and anything that could help answer this, i'm so confused!

How girls celebrate any occasion like farewell, bday etc?

How girls celebrate any occasion like farewell, bday etclike boys celebrate with boozing singing dancing & non veg meals etc

Do you think there is any attraction between this person and me?

Ok first of all I'm not trying to sound racist or anything but you can do better than a Mexican guy! ALL the Mexican around where I live are like DOGS. I mean, it is repulsive, they are just trying to get whatever they can get. I doubt it if he even was going to college. You can do A LOT better than that trust me. Personally, I've had like 10 Mexican guys approach me at places like WalMart or FoodLion. They are like animals!!! All over me trying to get my number and a "hook up". I am proud to say I have never slept with a Mex lolo hopefully you will realize this and go for someone decent :) You sound a very intelligent girl, you can do better!!! Best of luck to you! OH and if you really want you can add him on fbk and just text him as a joke. I GUARANTEE he will start talking talk the first night. Idon't know about you but I would totally look the other way lol.

What can i do to proof....?

my friends slandered my ex now he is very scared to continue with our relationship...said he lost confidence in himself and totally loose trust on me... what proof should i give him and what should i do if i can't find solid enough proof that it won't happen again...

So rephrased question ...?

I have no idea what you're talking about. Perhaps you could explain what you are trying to say better, the words you use don't seem to make sense to me.

Who gets the tax credit me or my boss?

my employer issues me a monthly check (made payable to me) to cover the cost of insurance premiums. I pay taxes on this money at the end of the year as none are taken out each month when the check is issued. This year they want receipts from the insurance company and want to claim the premium on the business taxes. Is this right? I feel the money, because it is credited as wage, is ours to claim on our taxes and quite frankly to do whith as we choose.

Early Pregnancy symptoms?

congrats! you literally have all the symptoms and if you are having them that much you can probably get an accurate pregnancy test result. so test asap It sounds like you werent preventing this so I hope you are happy! good luck and keep us updated

I'm so hungry, but I need to sing...?

After school ensemble rehearsals last up to two hours before the break, and another hour afterward. I get sooo hungry. But recently I've come to find out that the snacks the vending machines sell makes my throat get congested. They're things like chips, candy, and chocolate. I need a food that doesn't congest throats and doesn't need refrigeration. Got examples?

How to attach yarn to knitting using a slip stitch and a crochet hook?

Hold the YO so it looks like a litte "e" and slip the crochet hook through the loop. With the crochet hook, "hook" the yarn you're attaching and pull a loop through the "e" loop. That's a slip stitch.

My boyfriend is getting bullied?

ok ur ex isnt doing it for ur own good or atleast thats not even close to being the main reason why he just wants to scare away ur bf cause he doesnt wanna see u with someone else. as for what to do. tell these a s s holes to back off. worse case scenario ur botfriend may have to fight someone to get it to stop. bullies are punks that only act in groups when alone they turn to mute pansies. hope that little bit of info helps u somehow

Do you think think this is a good yugioh roid deck?

Honestly I sugest you pick a diffrent deck type Becuase roids suck. If you have alot of money then go with Dark armed Dragon Deck. If your on a budget and want the best Deck you can get for a low price go with macro monarch like me, All you need is 2/3 Dark emporer structure decks and some monarchs and a few staples like morphing Jar. Also If you want to go as cheap as you can go for a good deck then search the internet for a good D.D.T. Deck (Dimond Dude Turbo) or you can go with lightsworn whitch is basically same price as DAD deck. Gladiators beast Is the final one its currently the best deck but pretty expensive. All are tournement winning decks. (And perfect circle monarch).

Puffiness under the eyes?

I used to use vitamins , and a lot of them. One day i woked up and felled a very hard pain in my lower back, and it lasted 2 days. Now , after a year, I noticed i have Puffiness under the eyes. I got my kidneys and blood checked and i was all ok. I heard that it can be puberty, because I'm 16 years old? Maybe it was realated to that pain? How can I put away that swelling?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

How do i get over this pain?

i went to her like people told me to.. well she told her mother and brother to keep me away from her and everything about us, to ensure it was really over.. i told her i'd always always love her.. i thought it was just her bi polar making her this way because we were always on and off, she was always leaving and coming back but now i think its really over she packed up her **** and left.. i gave it a week.. i knew her 13 years was with her 3.. i dont think she'll ever come back, after we lived together she moved back with her mom we were so close... and she left her engagement ring here too.. and i am still unsure as to why i treated her right did everything for her.. spoiled her rotten, gave an arm and a leg just to make her happy. I told her she only had herself to blame that we could never be together again... how do i get over this deep heartache the girl i wanted to marry?? and im still foolish enough to sit here and wish somehow she'll come back...

I am diabetic and have sugar 300 in random sugar test?

If you're running 300, and you're feeling this way, you need to inject yourself with insulin or you'll go into hyperglycemia!

What are your thoughts on Martha Stewart?

Do you like her? not like her? Think her line is great? Think she should have gone to jail...not gone to jail? what do you think?

Do you ever feel like you can escape from life ?

i mean win the lotto and go to a desert island and live life with your loved one without all the crap that goes with it ie newspapers giving you bad news ie murders ect ect . id turn my back on the world if i could , hmmm we all feel the same i guess

If Republicans AND Democrats are equally guilty of selling out America over the past 90 years?

Brainwashed into believing in the two party mentality. The media shuts out third party candidates purposefully. Our government is corrupt, it needs to be taken back by the people. We complain but do nothing. Realistically it would take a few Presidential election cycles to get a third party candidate in office, but it could be done. Especially with the proliferation of the internet rendering the MSM all but obsolete in the coming years.

(NBA)what's the differences between "sand"and "hit"?

there is no difference, they both mean to make the shot. however, for vocabulary variance, there are several different terms used: "drained", "knocked down", "nailed", "swished", "made", etc. Hope this helps.

POLL: Who are your top 5 worst rappers?

I only listen to older school hip hop so I wouldn't know. But apparently I hear Lil Wayne, Soulja Boy, Wacka Flacka Flame and Gucci Mane suck

Why is the percentage of unemployment so high for the black population in metro areas?

The relevant statistic is the "employment population ratio," a figure that measures what percentage of the total population in a certain age group has employment. When the CSC measured the employment population ratio in New York City in 2003, they found that only 51.8 percent of African American men between 16 and 65 held jobs. That means that nearly half of all African American men did not have jobs. By comparison, 75.7 percent of White men in New York held jobs that year, meaning that fewer than one in four of them did not hold jobs.

Why do so many Americans judge Muslims based only on the actions of the 9/11 hijackers?

Hitler was not a Christian at all, just because people do things in the name of a religion or a God does not mean they are true followers of that God. A lot of bad things have been done int he name of God whether it be the Christian God or Allah or Shiva or any other god. I have never judged Muslims or any other religion and I know a lot of Americans who have no ill will towards Muslims. Ignorance and the need to blame is why some Americans blame all Muslims for the actions of a few. And racism is not specific to the white man regardless of what some ignorant people think. And has nothing to do with stupidity it is ignorance. I know that you are not judging all Americans from what I read, but some of the people answering calling the white man stupid and Americans stupid are just ignorant. Anyone who judges another will be judged more harshly then those that follow the full word.

S curl helpppppppp?

i put the scurl tex in my hair and i got curls but im trying to get waves in alot of hair please help me hair looks a mess on the side of a

Where can I get printable coupons for formula,?

diapers, & wipies? Looking for websites that don't have a "catch" to where you have to sign up for stuff or give them your email & address etc.


the actual taking of this formula would probably not be illegal- it would , however , be highly unethical to sell it as those that are taking it have already committed a crime and are using your formula as a cover . If a person has done illegal drugs, this formula might coverup the crime but the crime has still been committed and this formula does not make the person taking it any less of a criminal.

I want to know if the added info about the lottery is true. Thanks?

That is the oldest e-mail scam in the book. If you receive an e-mail asking for personal information, you should always ume it is a scam of some sort. People will send e-mails disguised as a message from Ebay, Yahoo, AOL, some lottery company, or even your bank. Any time you receive such an e-mail, delete it immediately.

Which of the three should i choose to be my best friend?

u cant choose between ur friends...wat would happen if ud chosen the wrong friend and the others were upset u didnt choose thm....my friend has actually done the same thing u r trying to do....there was me n 3 other friends and she chose 1 and now she complains tht we dont hang around with her wen her bezzis not there its best to have more thn 1 best friend...wat would happen if u both fell out...ud be a loner lol seriously take my advice :) x

Supernatual In Macbeth? Please?

Add that Macbeth will be miserable--not as happy, yet much happier--->refers to Banquo. Also add a pic of a bloodied child for apparitions as it shows there will be lots of bloodshed and u can thus introduce idea of "we are very young in deed"

Men in their 50s?

Why is it that some (quite a lot I have heard) men in their 50s feel the need to have one last mad dash to relive their wild oat sowing days??????? What the hell is it all about? I know the male menopause is a real thing, but to give up your family and many years of marriage, WHY? I pressume what little brain they do have in their heads migrates southwards to their and all sense disappears. I am not a man hater, just one!!!!!!!

Can a chain on a chain saw "stretch"?

I have a Stihl "farm boss" chain saw with about 40 hours on it. I keep it sharpened, replaced the plug once, and especially like the auto lube feature so I don't have to think about oiling the chain. The last few times I have cut with it, I've needed to tighten the chain after 10 - 15 minutes of use. The last time I took it apart and saw that there was no more room for adjustment. Is it possible to take out a link to shorten it, or do I just need to break down and get a new chain. Money is tight, and I am cheap, but I do need to get this running again.

Why are they trying to scare us with HPV?

Have you and your partners been tested for HPV? Probably not. When people get tested it is usually for HIV. The Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes many illnesses, including cancer in both men and women! I am sure that you are unaware of the many illnesses this virus can cause. As previously stated, people cheat and you can never be 100% sure that your past partners were telling you the truth. It is so much easier to prevent a disease then to try to cure it once you have it.

What happens if a patient is accidentally given a blood genotype that is different from his.?

Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen. More than likely, the blood types will not make a difference (don't quote me on that.) I would talk to a doctor to find the facts, then possibility of a lawyer.

Is it possible for my cat to teach my rats how to hiss?

i have had rats for about 8 months and recently we bought a kitten, she's 10 weeks old and a little weary of the rats (as to be expected) so when they jump up the side of the cage to investigate she often hisses. well its only since she has been doing this that the rats have started hissing, now i know rats hiss as in bare teeth hiss but they seem to be doing it through their noses and i was just wondering is it possible that the kitten has tought them how to hiss??

Which type of answer is more annoying and asinine?

Ah both of those responses are based on the same bullshit so i couldn't really pick just one. Well i guess the second one is less confrontational so it is slightly better, but it is still one of the poorest arguments that you could make.

What is the molarity (mol/L) of a sodium oxalate solution prepared in a 100.00 mL volumetric flask if 1.281?

What is the molarity (mol/L) of a sodium oxalate solution prepared in a 100.00 mL volumetric flask if 1.281 grams of sodium oxalate is used.

Give me babies, or give me death?

Let him know how important it is to you. If he doesn't change his mind just find someone who does want kids.

I had a dream where I thought I was awake, but I wasn't..help please?

I fell asleep, but then I heard my phone go off so I woke up. I got up, and checked my message, and it was from Curtis who is this guy that i'm in love with, but he said he needed time to think. He's been "thinking" for six months. The message said I love you, and I want to be with you so I like jumped around, and was all happy. I tried to answer the message, but I couldn't so I look over on the couch, and my body is like laying there, but i'm awake standing up. I get all freaked out because I realize i'm not awake, so I really do wake up, but I cant open my eyes or move for like four seconds..I'm able to move, and I checked my messages...I never got a message. This really scared me because I honestly though I was awake, but I wasn't..Does anyone know what happened?

Hypnosis for Quitting Smoking and Losing weight?

My husband and i really want to quit smoking. So tonight we are going to a get hypnotized for quitting smoking and losing weight. It is funded through the City here *FREE*. I have been hypnotized before (for fun at a convention) like 7 years ago and and i am an easy hypnoitzee. My question is, Does my being hypnotized before make this more likely to work for me? And is there ANYTHING i can do to make myself more susceptible for this to work? I really really am ready to do this. I have also lost 44 pounds so far on my own. Will this ACTUALLY work on Smoking and Weight loss?

Cot-bed bedding, is it safe to do this?

At 15 months she's past the fear of SIDs, she's a toddler and can roll over easily even in deep sleep if she needs to.

My best friend is hiding something from me?

She acts like nothings wrong, but i can tell when she phrases her words. I can tell somethings wrong. I Finley got her to say that there was something wrong but now she wont tell me. How can i help her if i don't know whats wrong? how can i tell her that i want to help her? iv already said "why are you embarred? jess were best friends we tell each Other these things" but shes only said that there are things on her mind that she would rather not tell anyone but her self. And that shes in no need of help. But she is!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

My championship situation so far - WILL I WIN?

Your chances look pretty good, but opinions here have no impact on the actual outcome of game. Who would have predicted Jerome Harrison's day last week for instance?

If making fish soup/stew, how is the fish cooked?

If the fish or prawns are not cooked first, and you add them to the stock, is the fish then steamed?or boiled, or what? Obviously I don't have clue about cooking?

How do I give my granddaughter a 10,000 cash gift without tax issues?

Just give her the money. The annual per-recipient exclusion is $13,000 so you don't have to file a Gift Tax return or pay any Gift Tax.

My vision of the perfect body has changed?

Nothing is wrong with you, your perceptions of the perfect body has changed. So long as you don't obsess about it, and think you should constantly lose weight, or you stop ociating with people because they don't meet your idea of a perfect body, you're alright.

I need a water repellent spray for my snowboard gear.?

I just washed my snowboard pants and jacket and I am wondering what is a good water repellent spray for these things? I want something that works, doesn't stain the fabric, and keeps the fabrics integrity. Thank you

Does anyone know the phone number of a place called Unistates CA LLC?

This has showed up on my credit report and I have no idea who or what they are talking about. It just popped out of the blue.

Been coughing for weeks...?

reoccuring bronchitis can be a result of a lot of different things. One being lung cancer. But that would have to be years of it reoccuring. So obvouisly when you can see a docotor agian do so. Sugary foods and fried foods are bad, Caffine can also make a difference, more so in how you feel though, then in how you are breathing. I would try to avoid it.

Help me ,Chemistry questions !?

I believe the 2 refers to the number of OH so there are 2 OH's. To balance it put a 2 infront of the Ca. written out it would be calcium hydroxide.

Redecorateing the WHITE HOUSE ?

Doesn't really matter. I mean come on. "The peoples house", other than that crappy tour. How many average Americans have been invited in just for coffee.

Why did George Bush sign the treaty to hand over powers to the UN if Bird Flu becomes pandemic?

What exactly was his reasoning? Do you think there is now any chance for a widespread 9-11 type "accident" with labwork pathogens?

What were 3 important things that gandhi did to free the Indians?

Im Doing a report on him. and thats my main question. but i cant think of anything IMPORTANT that he would have done. I have the salt march of 1930, but what else???? Plz Help!!!!

Is it okay that the UN wants to give away half of California to the Abujans, who currently live in Colombia!?

It was a bad solution, but it would still be workable if Israel wasn't trying to build their idiotic settlements and just piss everyone off in general because they have our support..

Hi my name is rana and i want to know how can i downlode music viedos???

i want really good Quality video clips of hilary duff so i can downlode i can you guys help me out and give me a web site that has music video's of hilary duff and i want good Quality v\ideo clips!!!

I need help learning To Kill A Mockingbird?

i hate to be rude and im really not trying to be but why dont you read the book... i know reading books in school sucks but to kill a mocking bird is one of the best books i"ve ever read! so just read it and find out stuff for yourself getting everything offline wont help you learn anything

How do i become a video game tester? does this site look real or is it a scam ?

You can find out for yourself at a href="http://gamertestinggroundreview.blo.com/" rel="nofollow"http://gamertestinggroundreview.blo…/a

Is Juan Carlos the greatest for telling Chavez to shut up?

a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/7089131.stm" rel="nofollow"http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/america…/a

Haircut ideas with pictures please?

having frizzy hair and it being short umm i dnt think itll look as good as meduim length. tht style could work but no one knows your hair like you do. a pic. of your hair would help a lot.

Plz recommend me some Dark jazz songs?

That song you mentioned is not 'dark' or serious. It happens to be a romantic light-hearted song. Perhaps you don't mean 'dark'??

The new batman movie the dark knight?

who agress with me that heath ledger makes and awsome joker i think he does but i cant believe he is dead its so sad =[

How to yse qualititative interviews?

There are 2 programs for ysis of qualitative data that I know of - SPSS qualitative (new) and nVIVO. Basically, they use themes and "trees" to denote the categories based on frequency.

Why does my 4 month old granddaughter cry whenever I pick her up?

Sometimes I just have to look at her to set her off. i know it may sound funny but I'm upset as I adore her and she is not like this with anyone else. Sometimes she is fine with me but and even smiles but usually she cries and sounds really annoyed or worse, petrified of me.Its been like this for about 2 months and I am really hoping she will grow out of it. Help! Its quite upsetting.

What were the two things about Chivas v San Luis that were positive?

i think u answered ur own question lol, but yes when the fans sing like that its cool, but its better when like 100,000+ fans are singin vaaamos, vamos ameeerica it makes ur skin bumpy like a chicken

If protestants don't like the term protestant christians then what would be the right term for them?

I am catholic and I want to know because if I call christians, also catholics are christians, but they were called protestant in some time in middle ages but now they called themselves christians, maybe the term would be non-catholic or evangelicals?

Friday, November 11, 2011

NEED GIRL ADVICE...This is killing me!!!! :/?

Ok so Ive really liked this girl sense high school which was 3 years ago. She is a year older than me. My Senior year we started talking and we both liked each other, but there was a situation later in the school year, and she ended up going out with a friend of mine...I took her out on a couple of dates but never really talked about a relationship...I was pretty upset cuz I was going to ask her that day after her softball game...I eventually got over that and she started talking to me again( this was about the same week i was going to graduate). I talked to her threw out the summer and we started hanging out again...Then she just stopped talking to me randomly...I though i got over her till i saw her like 6 months later and she talked about us hanging out again so i got all excited for that but then she never replied to my texts or facebook messages. So anyways Like 6-7 months ago I couldn't stop thinking about her, so i texted her and she actually replied and i tryed hanging out with her but she started ignoring me and every once and a while she would act like she never got the other messages. and when I asked her about it she denied all of it...She texed me the other day saying i dialed her...my phone says I never called her, and i was texting her for a while and she said we should hang out over the summer...Now i cant stop thinking about her...I haven't seen her in 6 months and idk what to do...My Friends say im Like this cuz shes the one girl that ive always wanted to go out with but never can....IDK WHAT TO DO...I need advice, :( sorry this is so long i just don't know what to do... PLZ HELP!

How do you teach your dog to play soccer?

i need to know how to teach my dog ! i love soccer she stairs at it like she wants to do somthing but does not know how? And i love soccer and i see other dogs do it and enjoy it so i wnat her to learn HELP ME THAKS PEOPLE

Do British tourists need a visa or and other official doentation to visit thailand?

I am visiting thailand for about 2 weeks. I am going to bangkok and Koh Phangan. Do I need visas or anything?

Acne treatment from dermatologist?

Acne treatment may be used by your dermatologist to remove blackheads and whiteheads. Do not pick, scratch, pop, or squeeze pimples yourself. When the pimples are squeezed, more redness, swelling, inflammation, and scarring may result

Is this dress too informal for a wedding dress?

I'm having a very informal wedding in New Mexico. I'm not a girl that likes anything frilly, like lace or glitter. I thought about wearing this as my wedding dress. I also want my bridemaids to wear the same dress dyed light blue. The groom will have a white shirt with navy pants and tie. The groomsmen will be the same but with a light blue shirt. I tried on wedding dresses at David's Bridal but didn't find anything that I liked. That's when I found this dress at JC Penny. Here's the link http://www4.jcpenney.com/jcp/X6.aspx?DeptID=50434&CatID=56292&GrpTyp=PRD&ItemID=15ceb46&attrtype=&attrvalue=&CMID=50434%7C50444&Fltr=&Srt=&QL=F&IND=170&cmVirtualCat=&CmCatId=50434%7C50444%7C56292&mscssid=6b316701db0f441da94f1c47bb0acd271xMnVNoVza3WxMnVNoVza3o200BC0DC74F53A650D023F83D698260E34DA0916502&edmsid=9d1086668b4f4ea1b81144ae1a6302eb

How many of you believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone?

Sorry, as paranoid as some people are about conspiracies, I have to agree with them on this one. I watched on the history channel......they ran a computer simulation where oswald was set up as a sniper, the vehicle speed, the type of bolt action rifle...the angle of shot, he could not fire that fast and accurate at vest one shot, another sniper had to be in the area. Ideally snipers operate in 2's if one fails to make the shot, the other will take out the target. Lastly, it is convenient that anybody who was connected to the shooting is dead.......? makes you wonder?

What happens if a police officer charges you with the wrong crime?

I was pulled over for backing down a street and the officer gave me a charge for improper driving on laned roadway. I looked it up and it says nothing about how you are driving you car just as long as you stay in your lane. I did however find a charge for illegal backing and it says that you maynot back up unless it is safe and you are not stoping traffic. I wasent stopping traffic and i wasent going very fast maybe 10 miles per hour and there was no pedestrians. Do you think i could win in court for him giving me the wrong charge or not?

Do you see any problems with this laptop?

SONY VAIO SZ Series VGN-SZ640N06 Intel Core 2 Duo T7700(2.40GHz) 13.3" Wide XGA 2GB 160GB DVD Super Multi NVIDIA GeForce 8400M GS and Intel GMA X3100 NoteBook - Retail

Earth science question?!?

i didn't bring home my packet or workbook(i didn't think i'd need it)so my question is how big are pebbles,boulders,all that stuff,what's the range in size for sand,cobbles,boulders,and pebbles?if you can find a graph that would be great. thanks

Do uggs go with skirts NEED ANSWERS PLEASE.?

I have clic grey ugg boots short and I wanted 2 know if that went with a black skirt,some leggings,and a shirt and maybe a cardigan or sweater or somethin. Please help. Or if that doesn't match name some things i can wear with ugg boots besides sweatpants & skinny jeans.

How much would you pay for this propane powered truck?

$3000-$4500 Not real big on the propane fuel option. Gas millage will not offset the price of the propane.

Is Islam a religion of murder?

true islam is not a murder religion but sunni and shia islam is, because it's not taken from koran, but from hadith, and hadith is taken from the filth of talmud and bible.

Where to purchase a soil tester.?

Most bags of gr seed state to run the test, but where do I get the test kit? I feel I'm wasting time putting down fertilizer without knowing what I need. I live in Central fl. in the forrest, with pine trees on one side of yard and sandy topsoil everywhere else.

Blacks,how do you feel about Emmet Till?

Well white, the story is horrific but the mentality that those white men showed were common for that time and still not so uncommon now.

Do you all agree with this?

If the AFL is genuinely not looking to benefit financially from a second Grand Final, ALL profits earned from a second game should go to charities or other worthy organisations. This is, after all, money that the AFL would otherwise not have received of not for another GF.

Chemistry covalent/ionic bond questions? Answer any or all.?

the first section is all true, the 2nd is also true (but i if HgBr2 i molecular or ionic), the 3rd is Mgse=Mg^-2se^+2, FeF3= Fe^-1F3+6, BeBr2=+2, -2, and K3P= -9, =1. the last part is Nitrus oxide, Iron oxide, MagnisiumFluoride, and Litium fluoride

Should I sign up for the ACTs?

I'm having the same dilemma. I heard time management is a bigger part cuz its a shorter test, and that is focuses more on Science and Math, rather than the SAT english/math combo. Some colleges take it, but its not was widely excepted as the SAT and the scoring is a bit different on it, only goes up to double digits, I think.

Does anyone have a recipe similar to Sweet Martha's Cookies at the MN state fair?

I was there last year and had some and they were wonderful! It doesn't seem fair to only get them once a year...am hoping someone has a recipe we can try!

What is your opinion of a giant Kelly Clarkson?

Just give me your full opinion of what you think of a giant sized Kelly Clarkson.

Reasons of Inequility of Income Distribution.?

You earn because someone else finds what you are able to do for them valuable. People's abilities are not distributed equally; therefore, neither will be their compensation. If you play basketball, your ability to score might be positively correlated to your height. Therefore people at the upper end of the height distribution will be able to earn hugely more than those of average height -- or even above average height.

Football fans, I have a good question. Brett Favre vs Balt or K. Warner vs Seatle??? I?

Kurt Warner vs Seattle, uming you're talking fantasy. Baltimore has a much better secondary, and you have to like that Warner is throwing to Larry Fitzgerald and Anquan Boldin. There's also the Adrian Peterson aspect, which takes away potential ping touchdowns for Favre.

How do you change the theme to a blackjack2 to an iphone theme?

I wanna no how to change the home screen back ground to my blackjack 2. I wanna make it look like a iphone or something better maybe like mac or some thing else I just wanna change it thank you if you can help me. ;D

Why Would Someone Key My Car, I Don't Get People Sometimes . . .?

I don't really do anything to upset anyone yet someone decided to just key the whole of on side of my car which is probably gonna cost a good bit to repair, I am becoming a very cynical person . . .

How did the algae get in my fish tank?

Tap Water has all kinds of bacteria and live plants will have bacteria as well. Fish waste provides the food for the bacteria & alge to grow.

Well whats faster a Geared 50cc or a Piaggio NRG MC�?

well the thing is i have a piaggio NRG MC3 04 fully derestricted ZX la vinci racing exhaust and i get about 60-65 top speed on average about 65-72 down hill but ive had more than enough problems with as i have to unplug the choke because otherwise there is no power in the throttle i have change carbs, cleaned the carb, changed spark plugs and gaskets but still sometimes i get power loss the more i rev the throttle and sometimes still get power loss with choke unplugged. so i am going to consider selling it to get a Geared 50cc but is there any out there i can get about as quick as this but what would be even better if you could tell me whats up with my bike oh yh i have also changed the belt and rollers.


Katy Perry, by far. her songs are loved by a lot of people. Taylor Swift is not very good (I HATE HER!) Bruno Mars, No, I hardly ever hear of him, and Justin Bieber, its either someone desperately loves him, or someone desperately wants to kill him, lol Katy Perry's way better than any of them, even though im more into rock and acoustic and country.

Computer problems, some real help would be nice,?

with the compound problems you describe I suggest you take it back to whoever did the repair & installed the motherboard. It sounds as though they may have buggered up something when doing the repair.Hopefully they warrantee their work

Ladies: Should I be embarred for being stood up? ?

dude,,dont ever beleave,,women,,you meet on line,,if you do meet them,,on line,,ask to meet them,,in person,,at a local park,,,or just for lunch,,then,,you no there real,,,ive been burned by some real,,witches on line,,dont let them,,make you feel bad,,could have been,,just a tenny bopper,,playing with your emotions,,,,,,PEACE

So weirddd.. small belly to big belly in a few mins???

The baby probably changed positions, most likely rolled up into a ball to be sticking out that much more. Get used to it, after this point that little one will be so so active.

Are game-based Case Mods considered copyright infringement?

I've been working around with computer case mods for a while now, and I had toyed with the idea of taking commissions as a means of earning a little extra pocket money. I had a question, though. If someone commissions a WoW, Quake, or Half-Life case (to name a few), would that be considered copyright infringement? I know such designs are very popular, but I wanted to get everything straightened out before I actually open up commissions. Don't want to go to jail or anything. And if anyone can provide doentation on the laws involved, or a link to them, it would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mike Cameron/Joe Nathan for Manny Ramirez/Jose Arredondo?

There is nothing to even think about. DO IT NOW before this guy changes his mind. You still have damn good closers so losing Nathan means nothing. Essentially its a Cameron for Manny trade. Again what is there to think about. Manny is about to go on a tear, so do this immediately before this guy takes it off the board.

Fever after 2 month shots?

A perfectly normal side effect...just undress her down to her diaper, keep her cool (not cold) and keep giving the Tylenol as prescribed. If she was less than a month old, you would worry about a fever over 100.3, but at two months, I wouldn't worry unless it starts pushing 103 (in this case because you know what's causing it).

If a state trooper tailgates me for a long period of time (he's probably running my plates) and I hit...?

the brakes and he rear ends me, wouldn't it be his fault since he was following too closely. What if I had to hit the brakes for on coming traffic in front of me? Isn't the person who rear ended you usually at fault? Can I sue the state? This never happened. Just curious.

What size snowboard should i get?

im 13 years old 5 feet tall and i wiegh 85 pounds what size snowboard should i get?? Thx for helping

10 POINTS! short definition for these few words!?

Is there some reason that you can't access dictionary.com? I only ask because if I was inclined to define these words for you, I would just go there and then copy/paste the results. Wouldn't it be faster if you did that yourself?

Where can I download any piano pieces and print them out?

Where can I download printable piano pieces? I don't just want the clics, I also want modern songs too. Please help me:)

In the United States, freedom of the press to report on certain matters may be restricted during wartime bec?

A and D At the beginning of WW 2 many Americans did not understand why we were concentrating on Europe many wanted to go after Japan with all our might but this kind of talk was suppressed

The little mermaid : ariels pink bag? anything like that anywhere?

So ever since i was born the little mermaid has been like my OBSESSIOn mvoie besides Titanic , anyways - so if u have wathed the first mvoie .. do u remmber the pink sac that areil would carry around when she went " looking around" in abandoned ship wreks? yeah .. where can i get one of those ? does anyone at least Just have a picture of it ? anything like that bag evebn .. just that kind of style atleast

How do I handle this guy?! (bipolar?)?

I had been with someone diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, which is like haveing bipolar and schizophrenia. things were fine the first year or so ,....then it was a rollar coaster. we ended up having achild together.....which I am raising alone, because he doesn't take care of himself, or his medical problem. and thats just what it is,..it is a health problem. and if they arent going to take care of themselves and do things for themselves,..ie medicine, therapy, counseling, etc. things will never get better. but 1st and foremost, he needs to admit that there is something wrong..and that is one thing my boyfriend, after about 3 years since he was diagnosed, has not done. it put terrible stress on our relationship, he lost plenty of jobs, he has not talked or seen us(me and our daughter for going on 5 months, our daughter will be turning 2 in a week and a half) i have tried to help him as much as i know how, but without him helping himself, it is/was pretty much pointless. I stuck by him always, even when he would go back with his parents, which was 700 miles away, then ignore me, not talk to me,...all that....and then out of the blue, he would call again and act like things were fine...been there, done that.. it takes a toll on your own heart, mind and body after so long. He is an adult and I couldn't "take care of him" like that anymore. not when he wasn't willing to get the help he needed. It is hard to see someone go through that because you have no idea what they are going through, at all, but ...i did the best i could, the best i knew how. and still that was never good enough, or apparently not what he needed. I was totally committed to him and our relationship and to helping him in his path to wellness, but in a relationship like that, both people have to be committed to each other and stick by each other through the tough times, which...there were more tough times than not. I seriously think you need to think long and hard about having a relationship w/ this person, because it is not an easy road. I will admit that first hand. and it only gets harder, especially when you have been together for quite awhile and then all the sudden things change in the blink of an eye. and that is just it with bi polar disorder. Men are not usually diagnosed until their late 20's. It doesn't usually "show up" til then. and my boyfriend was around 26/27 when he was first diagnosed. so please think about what you are getting into. you will have your feelings hurt, and some days you will not want to deal with it at all. But like me, I tried to stick it out, but guess he just didnt want it that way. Hope this helps you out some. ......and it will be alot easier for you to not get "romantically" involved now, because down the road it will be soooo much harder on you when things go bad...and let me guarantee you, they will. It is a roller coaster...and pretty much it is like walking on eggshells daily because you never know what kind of mood they will be in from day to day. it is a lot of stress and alot of beating yourself up over what you can do. well there isnt much you can do. just go day to day and hope whatever med combination they are on works. and that too is a trial and error kind of thing. it could be 100 different combinations before they find something that works. its hard and you have to have 100% patience and commitment. .....but for my situation only one of us had that,................

Who will become WWE or World Heavyweight champion first of these wrestlers?

Yeah, the Top 3 world probably Be Morrison at 1, Hardy at 2, and Mvp at 3. Normally I would rank mvp at 2, but considering he's on raw currently, he has small chance at becoming a world champion in the next 1-2 years, unless some changes were made to the Raw roster. Morrison and Hardy are on Smackdown, and if Undertaker did not come back, then One of them would be contending for the championship right now. But Hardy and Morrison still have a medium sized chance, but chances are, Undertaker is going to be champion within the next few months, and he'll either feud with Jericho, Morrison, Hardy, and If the make the feud with Cm Punk big, then Cm Punk.

Young Bucks or the Hardys + ESWF Judgment part 2!!?

The Hardys by far. I know I bash them and everything, but thats just because I like making fun of WWE and TNA xD. Theyre really great talented superstars, who know how to get a crowd on there side.

CHEMISTRY help! What is a cathode?

Ok, consider two electrodes placed in a pot of impure water but not touching. Apply a voltage and a current flows around the circuit. The cathode is the electrode connected to the + of the power supply, te anode is the other side. So yes the Cathode is effectively negatively charged, and the anode is effectively positively charged. We have applied a voltage, and so the 'extra electrons' come from the electrodes themselves and the water. The applied Electric field is just encouraging them to gather in certain places and not others.

What a graveous defending style of Gab Hainze, 2nd goal was a way to hell.,do we still need Hainze defending??

We need to talk frankly to the current situation and the fall apart of man u yesterday(vs Milan)...We can understand that Vidic did enough..is just recovering...Ferdinand was out, and so ...but we cant sustain the mistakes done by Gab Hainze and his lack of consistency and accuracy and graviously done repeatedly enough, his sending the ball back to his own danger zone, the factors that has made man to loose such important matches...lets spat out what makes us cough...Hainze neds replacement may be soonest or spend some time on bench to see what can be done from someone else...Fergie..do u need another loss?? Premiership?? FA??

Do i have the worst luck ever?

Dude i'm 15 too, and all this shiiit happens to me too :DD so don't worry, you're not the one who has all of this shiiit. But don't even think that you have a bad luck, cuz if you think about bad things, everything becomes even worse, you must think about good things, that will make you feel better. And don't even worry about girls i had the same, but i found the one, not so long ago) Believe me, you gonna have tons of girls :DDD It's just the way it's gonna be)

What's the Big Deal about Global Warming?

So here's my point... so what if global warming is real? The seas rise a little and the coast moves back a few miles. People can relocate. More people die from cold weather every year anyway, so a little warmer temperatures would be good for us. For every planet or animal that goes extinct, another will appear in it's place or thrive in the new environment. And let's face it, the world has been through so much worse - from ice ages, asteroid impacts, super volcanos, etc... somehow the Earth has managed to survive. And how cool would it be to go surfing in December? :D

Who do you think will win the Grammy for Best Male Pop Vocal Performer?

well, Michael is in the lead, but Adam is second, the others are way behind, well, on a website, where you can vote, but just for fun, it doesn't mean anything. Michael is winning, BUT ADAM SHOULD!

What are some fun things i can do with my atiel?

I taught mine to say Cody. Repeat your name frequently around it. It took mine 3 months to learn. :)

How do celebrity moms whose y pics are all over handle it?

most have so much money because they were willing to strip down and use their appeal. they probably handle keeping in mind thats the reason their kids live such a high road life

Do you punish your kids for things they do at school?

yeah I'm goin to the 10th and I don't get in trouble but if I did do something and u got in trouble at school if still get in trouble at home and I bet u I woujldnt do it again if u get in trouble at school its just staying after school meeting new people like cute guys on the football team nothing serious shoot id love to get afterschool detention but I don't want to get in trouble at home

Libertarian kid is pissing me off?

This kid thinks he has the right to say : "Osama should have taken all of the qu.eers with him, god hates fa.gs." I really want to smack some sense into this kid. I just called him a phobic as.s.h.ole, is that enough?

I've just watched crocodile dundee2 for 100th time i was wondering what name is used for the thing he uses to

make the phone call, you know the string and stick or stone makes the humming noise when he is on top of the hill?

Which 1 of these religious beliefs is the craziest ?

ALL religion is crazy and irrational. But I'd have to separate Islam from the rest, as the ugliest most oppressive religion.

Scorpio rising poll: show me your eyes?

a href="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2728/4091865730_1b0874c505_o.jpg" rel="nofollow"http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2728/4091…/a

I wear a size 6-6 1/2 in women. if i was to get UGG boots, will i need a 5.?

just curious ... a lot of ppl say that UGG boots run small and they stretch. so i was wondering, if i was to get some (i wear a size 6-6 1/2regularly) ... will i need a size 5 in those boots.??? (I want the clic cardy ones.) and those are sweater material.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Younger sib won't let me read breaking dawn book sib has re-read it twice. fair or not? i take care of books.?

my younger sib won't let me read breaking dawn (which is a killer bc i'm dying 2 know what happens 2 edward & bella by reading) no spoilers or i will report. VERY sensative against spoilers. i've already gotten one... she asks how long it'll take me, i tell her she must ans. why she's asking this if i ans. her ques. she ignored me when i asked. she's re-read it twice already, and now she's working on a third or forth time. i'm very angry about this. it's pointless and unfair. so i just had 2 know what u people think.

Week 6 - Running Backs ~ Need Help in a bad way!?

Taylor would be a terrible choice, he is sharing carries with the best running back in the league and they are playing a good defense. Buckhalter didn't play last week and Bell missed two weeks and both are still listed as injured so i would forget about them. Jones is in a very p heavy offense so if you really don't want to use Westbrook I guess use Jones but you are better off with Westbrook. At least he get about equal carries unlike Taylor.

Railroad recruiting process for a conductor question?

Gosh its been a while. Just simple stuff like: 2(b) x 3 = 12, what is b? Nothing major. Honestly it has been too long for me now for more specifics, if you don't get a good answer here go to www.yardlimits.com/forums, there are several threads about the rr hiring processes.

Walking distance once I get off subway - Queens, NY question?

Once I get off the subway at South Ozone Park - Lefferts Blvd and Liberty Ave, is it walking distance to walk south on Lefferts to 133rd ave? Is this an "OK" area for a 9 to 5 job? Thank you.

Pistols, or the things that go into the engine popped out?

it had oil all on them and they wouldnt go back inside. the car started smoking and it stop running and i had to tow it back. its a ford probe 96', so should i get it fixed? and how much would it cost?

Chemistry Q's help asap?!?!?

1) What m of silver is precipitated if 12.6 grams of copper is reacted with 17 grams of silver nitrate in a water solution to produce the copper(II) product?

Cute myspace name ideas?

My name's Collette and I'm trying to think of a cute myspace name that has my name in it... (Ex: Mandy.Macre... Taylor x Toxic. Any suggestions??

Does anyone know what happened to Curtis Lofton(LB-ATL) yesterday? Only 1 tackle? Injured?

I just looked it up and found nothing listed. Hope maybe somebody actually watched the game and can tell us.


U shld rejoin and u shld prob start at some lower level, just to regain mmry, but then I think u shld b able to dance at more advance level pretty soon. And ur foot is developed and strong enough for pointe, but maybe u shld wait couple of moths, to regain strength and mmry.

I have a question about security clearance in the Navy.?

I want to be in the intel in the Navy. But I need either a secret clearance or top secret clearance.... but what's top secret/secret compartmental information? How are those different? I wang to get into imagery intel like work my way up to that because ik it takes alot.

Help with finding these clothes?

Ok i was wondering if anyone on this website knows where i can buy some cheapish roxy clothing. It would have to be in pounds not dollers. Usually they cost between �25 and �55 but i would like the clothes to be �15 or under ish... if there are any cheap onlione clothes that are a simular style then please let me now. Thanks x

What should I change about my resume?

The thing is, your resume doesn't give a prospective employer a reason for hiring you. Put some WOW! into it - something that says they can't afford NOT to hire you. You know what you have done, but no one else does, not without an interview, and there's nothing here that suggests you are good enough to even bother doing so.

I rented an apartment a year ago, and I received a phone call from the owner of the apts. that I owe money?

The owner said that he fired the property manager because he didn't keep very records and that he & his wife are now managing the property and according a partial ledger that they received I owe them money. I never received any kind of statement from the former property manager stating that I owed money. I left on good terms. Now for some reason I am getting a call from the owner threatening to turn me over to the collection agency. Although, he can't show me any doentation other than what he worked up that I owe money. I don't have records of what I paid that was a year ago. How can I get resolved this?

What does 'everything is illuminated' mean?

i haven't read the book but what i think it could mean is something along the lines of everything being light, airy, easy-going. think of things that relate to 'light' and work your way from there. i've found that the title often comes from the context of the book. i have had books where the title makes no sense until i get to the last few chapters and one sentence explains everything.

Women who sleep around?

i think its more for attention, a man wanting to sleep with you makes you feel better about yourself. i know with me, after i hook up with someone that i don't totally approve of i loose my own respect, so others must loose even more respect of me. having is basically the only thing we can still do that no one can change, everything else evolves.

Picking and choosing from the Bible?

Whenever someone argues about the various dietary restrictions and protocol for coming into contact with a menstruating woman in Leviticus, or how Deuteronomy wants victims stoned to death or married off to their attacker, some Christian argues that the Old Testament doesn't apply. But what about the 10 Commandments? Or those that strictly interpret Genesis? How come only some of it applies?

People who believe in god. Do you believe god is perfect? Do you believe god made adam and eve perfect?

God cannot do anything imperfect correct? If god made adam and eve perfect then they could not do anything imperfect either. So it wouldn't have mattered what the talking serpent tempted them with. They wouldn't have ever eaten the forbidden fruit. Or is god's perfect more perfect than Adam and eves perfect?

I am into metal, recommend a good band?

i like august burns red, every time i die, between the buried and me, maylene and the sons of disaster, otep, opeth, norma jean, gwen stacy, luti-kriss, kittie, the dillinger escape plan. what are some other bands simular to these?


it says UCI is going to release the status of admission from 3/01-3/31. alot of my peers already got accepted or rejected. my status says its currently being reviewed. is it tru that the later the date, the less chance you have of getting in? why is it that like i am the last one?

Dream Interpretaion ? My boyfriend has a baby with another woman?

I feel that subconsciously you either fear he is having a relationship with another woman, or he actually is and you are picking up on this. At the very least, this dream explores the emotional distance between the two of you. A baby would be a symbol of the new relationship and his commitment to this other woman.

Will this be too hard for 3rd Grade?

This will be an excellent activity. This will strengthen there ability to make sense of words when placing them into sentences, also spelling them the correct way. At 3rd grade students learn at easier paces than any other grade.

Jesus cursed a "Fig" tree - Why? Mathew 21.?

The deeper study to this page can be viewed as the fruit of the spirit and not of works. You will know them by their fruit. Of whom has faith and who does not. The discerning of spirits. The fruit of the spirit is compion, kindness, forgiveness and love. One could look like a true church but with out the spirit they produce nothing, no faith. We are justified by faith through grace and not of works. Some view this as the start of the times of the gentiles, in 1948 this parable came to p when Israel became a recognized state with defined borders.

Which of these NBA Players would you like to see a Comeback the most!?!?

Even though none is probably possible, I would say Webber. They said he was as good as Garnett but without the fortune to win a ring. But I was young and didn't get the chance to watch him play.

Do men secretly like to hurt women during ? Just a little?

Ok so i was having with my boyfriend last night and he was really drunk. He admitted to me that sometimes when I let out a little "ouch" it turns him on. He said he felt bad saying that but we have always been very honest with eachother. It's not like that bad a pain its kinda good and happens when he gets carried away sometimes and the is too long (i think its cause i actually get a little dry after that long) Anyways I don't know how to feel about that it doesn't bother me too much but makes me wonder if all guys are like that a little bit... like that instinct to dominate in bed or something. He's a very sweet and gentle guy so it doesn't really worry me just sparks curiousity. Sometimes I like to let my aggression out on him too is that wrong?

Shud da NFL suspin Big Ben until dese charges are found ta be false?

I mean to be lettin some rapist be da Superbowl MVP dude or whatever and gots him 2 rings and all dat money but hes walkin around rapin people? I mean suspend dat dude fo sho

Does having a top-up degree matters when enrolling for a MBA?

It would depend on the school offering the MBA. The 1 year top-up may be overkill, since MBA programs provide the necessary business management courses. You may benefit by asking MBA schools directly. You can do so in the Official MBA Guide, a free service. It will give you a list of schools that satisfy whatever criteria and preferences you specify. Then you can send an email to those schools or even a pre-application describing your top-up plans.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I need to find a place were I can get 14 full length Red Trench Coats for woman.For a pageant.?

This is for a pageant in September, going fo the Carmen San Diego look. Has to come at least to the ankle!!

What kind of socks or knee highs do you where with booties?

I am looking at a pair of gray booties, the boots that have a short shaft, and I am wondering what kind of socks (if any) you would wear with them? I think I would be embarred if my pants would ever come up high enough for people to see the top of the bootie, cause I do think they look a little weird, but I am having trouble finding a wedged boot in the color gray suede. Please let me know your opinions or what you have seen people wear with booties. Thanks in advance!

When should I move my crested gecko to a larger tank?

I am ordering the new sri lanka exo terra 18x18x24. He is about 3-4 inches long. He doesn't seem happy in his 10g anymore so thats why I'm ordering the new one. He is 5.5 months old. Is it a good time to move him? He is fed on a pangea mushroom ledge and has a small plate of food on his rock that he likes to sit on. Should he be able to find his food easily?

Anyone else think Gillian Duffy "Bigot" Is milking the whole incident, with what happened with Gordon Brown?

Fair enough he should not have said what he did, As the lady was only asking a question. But now is just getting a bit silly, With it being on the news all the time and with her now selling her story, Surely there is more important things going on in the world.

Is this hazing in a sorority?

the scavenger hunt raises a potential red flag for me, as do the consequences that more than likely result from not knowing the history of the organisation in a manner satisfactory to those who are already members.

If i start a LLC company... is it possible to make it a INC in the future?

Whatever type you choose to set it up as now, you can change it in the future with the proper filings and paper work. Becoming incorporated is a difficult process though...lots of paper work and legal stuff. Consider the tax implications of both before choosing how to set up your company. Good luck!

Is this a good SAT score for a 14-year old high school freshman?

i don't know it sounds great. Doesn't it show? im a freshman too. I did 45% better than freshman's. And my other friends got 77% but i guess you did good.


so there are 2 guys (jake n hunter). they're friends on n off. a few days ago jake kept asking me if i still like hunter (who happens to be my ex-bf). finally said no n asked why he was sooo curious. he said he just wondered if i still liked him over the break. plus, over the break, hunter invited me to the mall with him. n i recently started liking jake. so, basically, my question is...WAS HE ASKING OUT OF HIS OWN CURIOUSITY OR FOR HUNTER'S BENEFIT?!?!

Do you need to read dan brown's 'the da vinci code' before you can read his new one, "the lost symbol"?

i want to read D. brown's ' the lost symbol' but haven't read 'the da vinci code". Is it a collection or are they seperate books? thanx :)

So who were the oppresors?

seleucid army there leader was antiochus. the jews later asked for romes help.but they broke the sabbath law.

What does it mean to dream about looking at both my eyes in the mirror, then visiting an optometrist?

I had a dream a few nights ago that mascara was in my eye. When I went to look in the mirror, I opened the corner of my eyelid to get it out and ended up pulling a piece of black rubbery material out of my eye. Ewww i thought to myself, let me go to the doctor and see whats going on. When I went to an optomertrist he said that he would need to perform surgery from the back of my head to corrrect "this problem". Almost like inserting a smalll tube through my head. Now all i remember is, me looking through the eye machine and The doctor performing the procedure from his hand held mouse. "As in computer mouse" I know this sounds wierd but that was my dream. Does anyone have any insight?

(College Student) How do I start talking with that cute guy in cl?

Don't do it during cl. You are there to study. However once the professor lets you out, just say hi, and ask what his major is. Then tell him your major, and then about what he does in his free time, then what you do in your free time. It's tough being shy, but once you crack your shell things will fall in place.

If I go on the atkins or caveman diet, will I lose weight? I don't want to lose weight, but improve my brain?

If you consume the same amount of calories that you do now on these diets you won't gain weight since your taking in the same amount of energy. When your on this diet you don't eat foods that contain gluclose, which your brain needs, so slowly your body starts turning the protein and fat you eat into fuel for your brain called ketones. When this happens your brain gets used to running on this you might feel a little sluggish for a few days but I've been on this diet for 8 months and after three weeks I was back to normal.

How could Creationism be taught in public schools without violating the Constitution?

Why can't it be taught as an option? You can teach evolution and creationism according to many types of religion. I feel exposing children to all kinds of ways that people think and believe helps them to understand people better, it gives them understanding and compion for people with different beliefs. It can also show where similarities are. There is never a problem with teaching children a lot. It is when there are taught too little that they become stuck wi th one way of thinking. I say teach them as much as possible about how the world works and what people think and believe. Let individuals make choices for themselves about what they want, show them the options and let them choose what they feel in their heart.

Can I type in tongue and please get an Amen from my Christian brothers. Lalagalo lobobo ewmomo shalaladalala?

Lol! You kill me. I hope some Christians will look at your questions and find out that what they are doing is not of God at all. The Gift of tongues is the gift to speak in human languages that we never knew how to speak before.

Kind of a hard question to ask, but here it is?

Yes they did in fact they dropped the Vince is dead storyline ( blown up in limo explosion) RAW was a 3 hour tribute package instead of the 3 hour special they had planned

Why do Christians not believe in Mohammed the Prophet, while so many Muslims believe in Jesus Christ?

because Christ mentions "I am the way the truth and the life, No one can come unto the Father except through me." we believe Christ was sent from God and therefore does not lie, so Christ saying No one would mean Mohammed also that he also would have to come to Christ in order to receive grace from God the father. Allso Paul mentions "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God," which again would include Mohammed.and the prophets

So would it be disrespectful to have the greatest Wrestlemania performer go out and lose two in a row?

I mean to have HBK lose twice to the same person at wrestlemania, is just something that would tarnish the great career HBK has had.He is arguably the greatest in-ring performer ever.Yet WWE don't really give him the title, what a 4 time Champ in 20 years.Have go into Wrestlemanias and lay down to Taker,Angle,Cena,Benoit.Its kind of disrespectful.

Is habitually placing bets that arnt allowed considered cheating?

either this is a trick question or more likely you answer your own questions with several different email addresses to gain top contributor status...yeah the box man and two stick man would never see this and wouldn't watch you after you accidental on purpose tried to past post....those who can do....you can't so you try to sound like you know something about gambling......but you don't......otherwise you would get your buddies to play street craps and bet don't p when you held the dice.....do you know why without looking it up?...i didn't think so..

What are 3.5 mm headphones look like ? And are they the regular ones you can use for ipods ?

well see im buying a headphone jack adaptor , for my blackjack 2, but the head phones have to be 3.5 mm , which i dont know what that is....im think its the same as ipod headphones. PLZZZ HELLP !!

How come most of the Lebanese in America look white and are considered white but most back in Lebanon aren't?

I am Italian and Lebanese and am white and no one in America would figure I am Lebanese. Went to Lebanon over the summer and saw this, just wondering.

Show saddle pad question?

Just wondering if you could use a white fleece half pad and a white baby pad in a show, or if just a half pad, or just a regularr fitted fleece pad?

What do you think is going to happen on wild card weekend?

I agree with you on 3 of the 4. The eagles aren't losing to the Vikings, or any team in the NFC right now. I don't even think it will be close, Eagles will win by 20 points. I don't even like the Eagles, so let's not all attack me NY/Dallas fans, I just acknowledge good teams. Chargers/Colts should be a lot of scoring like you predicted, though- should be exciting!

13 month old baby with blistery rash no itch or fever only on arms legs &face not on trunk?

Brought him to doctor who then suggested hospital so brought him there and they said it was viral but rash had almost gone by the time doctor in hospital seen him. Next day it came out again worse so brought him back to hospital as there was what looked like a blister the size of a 20cent coin next to his eye. They reckon it is either an allergic reaction or viral and gave him steroids & antihystamines. Have not changed anything in his diet or washing powder. This rash disappears almost completely and then reappears has anyone ever experienced this??

Could i be addicted to pills???And what to do? ?

If your on the fence about this one, why not just stop taking the pills? You are treading in some very treacherous waters...

Which is a worse sin, ity, Harry Potter(witchcraft), or beating your child to the brink of death?

keep in mind, one of these things is not a sin according to the bible, in fact it's practically a commandment

Foods with iodine in them?

Can someone find me an online list of foods with iodine or the most iodine? The more lists, the better! Thanks! --Amanda

Monday, November 7, 2011

What do u think of my malefick deck?

a friend of mine runs one well you should add montage also in it....no such things as a bad card just a dumb duelist......every TRUE Duelist knows that....well the ones that dont suck anyway

Who should I start week 8?

evans, jackson, coles. you know why evans. jackson because he will get thrown to, and im not to confident about New Orlns. coles because of all the potential, and he gets thrown to alot. and, i have the exact same lineup lol

Orphan Kitten?

is it a good thing to see my orphan kitten having a bowel movement and going potty? I am feeding it pre-made wal-mart kitty milk every 2-3hrs. I also keep it warm under a soft fleece blanket. It is only 2 days old about and seems very small. I can't think of anything else to do beside what I have be mentioned to on here. The vet's office does seem to think it will make it but I am going to be optimistic. I look for any kind and helpful advice I can get. Thank You!

How to should I ask this guy to Sadies?

Some of my friends say that I should just go up to him and ask him but then the other half of my friends say that I should find a cute and unique way to ask him. How should I ask him? Please help me.

Anyone who could give me the best/or most information, please help I'm scarred?

ok first of all I'm 18 and have a 2 year old daughter, I know i had her young, but that's not what i'm asking about, I recently went to the Gino, and they called me and told me that my cervix had shown some change, so they told me it was either just some inflammation due to and infection or it could be HPV, they want me back in a month to do some test with a microscope i forget what she called it, but its to see the cells and to see what exactly it is, I was just wondering if any one could give me any information about all the strands of the hpv virus, or even websites to point me in the right direction to look it up for myself, I didn't tell my boyfriend this morning because for one i don't know how and for two he is a corrections officer and he doesn't need that kind of distraction at work, I just want more information before i tell him, and so i can at least know what to expect and maybe put my self at some eases, (stuff like how you get it, what all they do, besides the cancer part i already know that, just any other information I would greatly appreciate this)

Who is hotter?? 10 points for the best answer.

Seriously, have you got nothing better to do than to ask this. Go and get yourself a boyfriend or girlfriend, and quit worrying about people that don't matter.

Why have i only felt real fear in my dreams?

When i was younger i had quite a few recurring dreams, which all ended in tragic loss, and me feeling extremely scared and upset, but i've realised that i've only felt real fear like this in my dreams, my mum thinks i may have had a past life where i died at a young age in a war, i am wary when planes flies overhead. I'm only just getting over that now, but other than that i seem to be completely fearless, in fact things that would scare most just excite me, and i actually seek them for the andrenaline rushlies overhead. I'm only just getting over that now, but other than that i seem to be completely fearless, in fact things that would scare most just excite me, and i actually seek them for the andrenaline rush

OK c'mon be really honest?

I notice alot of 14/15/16 yr olds asking questions about being pregnant and most of you tell them the bare bones facts of how very difficult it is...but some of you try to coddle them and tell them everything is going to be ok...who does that benefit? Think back to when you were 14/15/16 do you think you were mentally/physically/emotionally able to care for a newborn baby? Why not just be honest with these girls? A little honestly might keep some girl from experiencing the same heartache and stress...any thoughts?

What steps did Nixon and Kissinger take to get the U.S. out of Vietnam?

They sought to replace American troops with Vietnamese ones, but in actuality escalated US involvement through increased bombing, of North Vietnam, and new bombings in Cambodia and Laos. In the end they pretty much just backed the boats up to the docks, and pulled out.

Where do you rank the Atlanta Falcons so far this season?

Starting off 5-2 is a good start. I think the Falcons have a great offense this season which has been the key to winning some of these close victories. How would you place them so far this season?

If America's healthcare system is so good, why do Americans stream across the border to Canada for healthcare?

To get affordable help and prescriptions. America's healthcare sucks and the insurance and pharmacutical companies make it cost so much you can't afford to use it. I personally know people who's deductible are $8000 per person each year. That's disgraceful for a country as great as america. People need to get their heads out of their behinds and take a look at what's really happening and quit listening to congressmen and senators who take kick back from lobbyist who represent the insurance and drug companies.

I feel like my mum's restraining me too much. she doesnt like me giving my num 2 guys or any1 4 dat matter.?

hw do i convince her that i cn take care of myself? im a 15 year old girl from malaysia, fyi. :) i give my num 2 certain ppl i feel i cn trust in facebook. bt she doesnt lyk it n threatens 2 take my phone away. im the kind of person who doesnt like to be controlled.. any suggestions??

Hello ppl do u have any cheats for midnight night 3 dub editon n need for speed carbon own the city on psp?!!?

Plz can any1 hlp me!! i need extra money in both and probabaly all the parts n everything remember midnight club 3 dub edition and need for speed carbon on the city on psp!!! Thx 2 every1 who answers

Top10 NFL running backs?

i feel like torrain from the skins should be up their. the o line and the receivers were horrendous however, he looked like one of the few bright spots for the offense. but thats just me. hes still a rookie/1st year. also, the giants dont have that bad running backs. but like the giants, they either tear the field up, or they completely blow it.

Have you ever gone through this phase ? What did you do ?

Take the best job you can find. Then do the best you can at it. Even if it is a bad job, it will be good experience. You need some work history behind you. Lets say you hold out till you find that perfect job and you manage to get it, how will you keep it? If you have no experience you won't know the do's and don'ts. All experience is useful, observe as much as you can at what ever job you take. Especially watch other employees and the "games" they play and how others react to them.

What are some online stores similar to orientaltrading.com?

Looking for stores online that are similar to Oriental Trading where I can buy wholesale holiday (Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, New Years) decorations, party supplies and ornaments fairly cheap.

Why does this seem to happen whenever I get my period?

I get sick a lot,mostly headcolds and stuff.but I noticed lately,that when I get what seems like a cold,I get my period at the same time.I've had a sore/rough throat for the past few days,a nurse looked at it and said my throat was bright red.I've also been congested for a few days as well.Today I started my period again.Why do I get these colds and my period at the same time? D:

I have a question about PDA?

Ok so recently there were pictures posted of Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber in Hawaii and fondling each other. I have a boyfriend and as far as I go with pda is kissing and we are both the same age as selena. I was wondering how far the average person goes with pda, and are there any laws, which someone could ask you to stop (like movie theater or mall), against pda?

PLEASE!! SOLVE!!! best answer gets 10 points!! plz! REALLY FUN!!!!?

the first part is simple, go with walking on hands. obvious reason why that was banned. I won't touch the 2nd part cause i dont like trains because of the hub in Chicago...hate that city

Want to know if you can get a home phone with lock to stop outgoing calls?

In the days when we only had the GPO phone system my sister-in-law received an enormous bill one quarter because her sons were phoning their girl friends; she made them pay their share of the bill by getting the GPO to install a coin box like the ones in telephone boxes so the boys had to put the money in. I think there was a rental fee for the box; admittedly it was an inconvenience for her, but it certainly saved her a lot, both in arguments and in money. Don't know if you can still do this.

I have a theory on the end of the world?

This is really a theory that you should have kept to yourself. Enjoy decorating your bunker while preparing for the nuclear war.

What are some wristwatch brands that use Alligator leather?

I heard that many brands use Alligator leather for some reason i can't remember, but i would like to know which popular brands do and don't, and how can i tell the difference between real and synthetic (other than price). I wouldn't like to wear watches that use Alligator leather.

Do you think I'm stupid?

If your taking APs and Honors your probably not stupid, sure you may have a hard time understanding everything but who doesn't? Your ex is a just btw

Is it wort it to rebuild and customize my car or should I buy a newer one?

yes.convertible huh.you may need a car in the mean time?dilemma! buy a used rental and fix your car then sell the rental.

How many flaws can you find in this pro-creationism video?

I remember they had those little pamphlets at my Chruch! Well, my parent's chruch, I just go because they make me. I don't believe in God, I think its all bull. They had little booklets like that in Bible study. I remember one was about taking the easy way out, and one was about guilt, there's more but I forget. They're basically supposed to teach morals, blah, blah, blah. Sorry for not contributing anything, but I thought I should share that with you. :]

In the Sarah Connor Chronicles, why did they time leap from 1999 to 2007?

I'm a little confused about this. I thought the Sarah Connor Chronicles took place between Terminator 2: Judgment Day and Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. Doesn't Terminator 3 take place in 2003, in which the war between man vs. machine begins? If they time leaped forward into 2007, it's as if Terminator 3 didn't happen. Can someone explain this to me?

Xbox 360 help??????????????????

hey i am in the US navy stationed in england i just bought a american 360 but i use brit internet i am having some problems with live tho such as cant download videos or play games only thing i can really do is get game content can anybody help???

Is hitting someone before they hit you self defence or is it grievous bodily harm?

Apparently after the escapades in a courtroom in Liverpool on Friday it is now okay to hit someone who looks at you the wrong way and call it self defence.

Lion Protection From Retaliation Attacks With Reserve Boundaries?

Kich back a portion of the tourist revenue from the lions to the cattle owners.point out the fact their portion of the revenue can be larger then their income from farming. Work with them a solution to keeping their cattle alive. They have to realize if there are more cattle then wild animals to hunt the lions will kill them.Education needs to be addressed on all sides.

One method of government regulation of monopolies is to require the firm to price the product at its marginal?

It might have to operate in a loss and exit the industry. It is not where MC=MR, and he cannot maximize his profits.

Just out of curiousity...:)?

Hmm, lots and lots of money, but you should still buy one anyways cos new zealand has heapsa awesome people in it =D

Why I have often heartaches?

Hi. One week ago I started to feel some heart aches. I'm feeling these heart pains often. I don't think that is an emergency but I wanna know your opinion. Why I have these often pains? Thank you.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Will OJ Simpson have to stay in jail until his Dec. 5th hearing or can he be bailed out? also, after he?

is sentenced on Dec. 5th, will he be able to be released on bail during his appeals process or will he be in jail?

How do I manage bad breath?

I notice even after brushing, my mouth doesn't smell pleasant. I knew then that the odor doesn't really come from my mouth itself. I don't even have cavities. It comes all the way from my internal. I'm so shy to talk to anyone else because I worry this thing. They might smell it and be disgusted. Sometimes, I can see people whom I am talking to moves away there head and I already knew the reason why. Maybe they're too reluctant to tell me about this thing bec they don't want to embar me. I'm har up with this thing. Anyone could suggest a possible solution?

Of the 16 states that banned school segregation pre-Brown, 15 voted Obama. Coincidence?

Actually yes, all it is is a coincidence. Because if you go back 40 years you'll see that most of the south voted democrat. Now all the south votes republican. People's ideas change over time, that's all there is to it.

Is it true that the bigger the alloys for your car the worse it drives?

it will be a little bumpier because when you increase the wheel diameter you have to shrink the tire thickness to still be able to fit the whole embly into the wheel well. the tires are alot stiffer in 18 inch wheels than in 16 but 18 inch look alot better.

What are 5 elements that make up jay gatsby's american dream?

I thought all Gatsby wanted was Daisy. He only got rich and bought this huge house to show Daisy that he has the money now and that there's no reason anymore to keep them apart. Sorry, this doesn't really answer your question... hope I helped anyway:)

How do i improve my flow and rap skills?

Okay so i love to rap, i love music, and i love when i get in the zone. i've been rapping for about 6 months now and i love it, it keeps me nonbored all the time. but sometimes i be writing my lyrics and it seems like i run out of ideas and it seems like my flo goes outta beat sometimes. So what can i do to improve my lyrics and rap flo. I would appreciate your advice.

We have to swim in school...?

so I just started swimming for P.E., and I suck at it, I don't know any stokes except free style. Also I keep getting foot cramps, and charlie horses in the water, and since yesterday my left leg's ankle hurts... I don't know what to do, I want to get better at swimming but I don't know how? Feel free to share any tips/advice to get through an 1 hour of swimming at school.

What really is an A-lister Celebrity?

The term A-lister is usually a reference to the amount of money the actor makes per film. Those actors who make upwards of $10-20 million per film are "A-listers', such as Brad Pitt, Will Smith, ect. Heath Ledger did not reach that status before his untimely death last year.

What is it, is it bad, and should i be worried?

ok here it is. A little bit above my collarbone under the skin is a little bump (or little m, maybe? idk the technical names for this..) Its about the size of my finger nail. It hasnt always been there but its been there for about a year. It doesnt hurt, and there isnt another one above my other collarbone. I'm not really worried about it, more curious than anything. But should i be worried? When i run my fingers across my neck i can feel it move, like a little pebble under the surface of my skin. But what is it?

Chemistry titration?

The only important thing is the number of moles of sodium hydroxide in the flask, and that can not be changed by adding water. Yes, the solution is diluted, but the number of moles remains the same.

What are the brands of pet food on the tainted list?

ol'roys wet dog food 4sure.It was re-called @walmart n thats the kind we get our dog.Thats the only one that I can remember right off hand

What do I wear to a club?

I am going to a club Friday night and I have never been to a club before, and I'm not really sure what to wear. Does anyone have any ideas for me? --Jess--

Wedding or Senior Prom?

Should I go to my cousin's wedding banquet or my senior prom? I'm a senior in high school and I've never been to a prom before. The guy will pay for my ticket but I don't know him that well. There's no way I could attend both. Advice?

--I wish you people could tell me what he meant.!!:(.please.! Even though its in english but its confusing??

He ment that he was hurt about the break up but he felt good about it after a while because it seemed to him that you were not getting anywhere. And at the end that is really what he wanted was the break up. And he feels free now.

Will a sony micro sd card (like the ones that go in psps) work with razr v3m?

I have a psp with a mem cad that came with it and the mem card has lots of music, so could i put that card into a razr v3m that i am going to buy. That way i dont have to buy another sd card

Is it a valid tactic to point out places where religions contradict themselves?

Dude, if you think religious belief has anything to do with logic, then you are as misguided as those you profess to refute.

How should the american people fix this problem? and surface this issue to make it a priority?See details .?

I think it more shame on you and the other people who spread half-truths and made up statistics to say something was done wrong. The biggest example of that is your number one which was a clerical error and corrected-the only people which were supposed to have to pay back were those discharged with OTH and certain other cases including those that failed the required training to receive the bonus. If you want to make something look bad, and the treatment of veterans has never been as it should be because civilians like to forget the vet's the second the guns go silent or when they want to buy more votes, use data from a reliable source and not one persons or groups ranting to prove a point they believe in. This getting as tired as the "legal world wide opinion that the war is illegal" which is a single lawyer's opinion in England. The American people should fix this problem by doing what is right, finding out the truth and not listening to people trying to make political points instead of being honest.

Should i get dj augustin???

nah i think your good to go, duhon has been pretty good these past few games so id say just stick with that lineup Augustin's a rookie anyway so i think he'll be more inconsistent

Has anyone been circised being an adult? was it worth it or not?

ok i have a tight forskin & im going to have surgery for it & they said i can have the skin loosend or the circision, im wondering how different it is being circised to not, & if i did get it done would it be painfull while healing etc?

Half Life 2 Blue Screen Problems?

a href="http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/referrer/srtest" rel="nofollow"http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/ref…/a

Board Advice - Male, 6' 1", 165 lbs, size 13?

Also consider Nitro boards as they tend to make a lot of wide and mid-wide boards to cater for the rider with the big foot and they make fantastic freeride boards. If you want something comparable to the Custom X, checkout the Nitro Pantera, in my opinion a better constructed board, for less cash. If you are set on the Burtons, definitely go for the wide models. I know the Custom and Custom X come in a wide, not too familiar with the Flying V though.

AFC Championship: Steelers or Jets ?

Despite the result of the regular season game, I think the Steeler defense will be able to pressure Sanchez. If they can get to him consistently, he could revert to turnovers and the Steelers are likely to win. Roethlisberger plays behind a poor offensive line but has been able to play very well under pressure. It wouldn't really surprise me too much if the game went the other way. I expect this to be fairly low scoring and close.

If destroying Alquaeda in Iraq is justification for invading iraq?

Shouldn't we invade Syria too to destroy Alquaeda in Syria? and what about Alquaeda in Egypt?? Saudi Arabia?

Story help please! How to tell your girlfriend a big secret?!?

I’m stuck on this scene for a story I’m writing. Lea, who is dating Ronan, doe sn’t know Ronan is a vampire. How should I write the scene where Ronan tells her the truth? Nothing like Twilight, please. I’m getting sick of Twilight. I’m also planning on introducing a vampire hunter named Skylar, who is Lea & Ronan’s age. Ronan & Skylar are supposed to hate each other naturally, since their enemies. I want to have Skylar involved in the scene where Ronan tells Lea the truth, but he doesn’t have to be. Please help! I’ve been stuck on this scene for over a month!

Has anyone gone and doented the emotional scars from 9/11, on the Booker Elementary School children?

On 9/11, :President Bush read a book entitled The Pet Goat, to a clroom full of children. Has anyone done a recent study on the effects of the subliminal messages the children received that day?

HELP!! Do you know any website that you can use in sending text messages?

I want to send a text to a friend and want to do it tru the internet. Do any one know any website that allow you to send text messages to any GSM phone or Cell phones any where in the world for free? Please help!!

PEGGY ZONE EXPERTS!!!what do they mean about here's the mesh? ?

for everything you download for the game, you will need a mesh. a mesh is the shape of the object, accesory, hair, etc. that you are downloading. you NEED the mesh for the download to work. sometimes the mesh is included in the file, but when it says 'here is the mesh' you need to download the mesh. i hope this helps.

Dream Interpretation ... Please HELP!?

I had a dream that I crawled under a large wooden deck that was attached to a building. It was dark underneath but there was some light shining in from the outside. I followed the light to find a possible way out. When I found a way from underneath the deck, it seemed as if my head was too large to fit between the opening. Suddenly I looked to the right and I could see a large black reptile that took the form of either a lizard or an alligator. Somehow in my mind, I knew it was an alligator but appeared to look more like a large lizard particularly a large salamander. I was panicking, and crawling very fast, using only my arms because there was not much room underneath the deck (imagine being under a large bed). I was afraid that this creature was hungry. I attempted several times to get out but I could not. In the middle of the dream, I had realized I was dreaming. I begged God to help me and wake me but I could not. Although this creature was moving slowly, it was actively pursuing me. I continued looking for a way out while still begging for God's help. I kept hitting my head on the deck. There was no way out ,,, I was trapped. This dream felt so real. When I finally did wake, it felt as if I was really being chased. What could this mean? SERIOUS RESPONSES ONLY! Thank you for your help! *NOTE: In no way was this dream influenced by anything on television, thoughts or via conversation, thank you!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Is it legal to hit your animals during an argument?

i had an argument with my pet fish (joel) and he said some very profound words to me so i struck him across the gills

How long does Implantation bleeding last?

mine only lasted about three days, but i have heard of women having implantation spotting for up to two weeks so i think that its okay.

Help for my teen son??

My son is 14 years old and has ADHD. He's very impulsive and has dyslexia as well as auditory processing disorder (what he hears isnt what is being said- at least not in the same order). He went to speech therapy when he was in 1st-3rd grade for the auditory processiong disorder and he's medicated for his ADHD. He was doing well at his school but we moved so he had to move schools. His new school is not at all sympthetic to his needs. He's been suspended 3 times because he's been disruptive in the clroom. His dad went to school with him one day and followed him around. We learned that one of his teachers is always fussing at him- even when he's being quiet. Now, he's on the brink of not ping 8th grade because of the difficult time he's having. Any ideas? We've grounded him, taken away his video games and TV, etc. We have 2 girls who are doing great in school. Also, my son is a great person. He's very talented musically. He's becoming depressed and I worry alot about him. Ideas?

Video on E!'s The Soup?

I was watching the newest episode of The Soup, and the clip of the week was some French Instructional video about farting and pooping with children. It was completely ridiculous and I want to show my friends but I can't find the video. Anyone know where I can find it?

Please help me solve this problem or algorithm in C or C++?

That is lot of work, may be you can post your question at websites like a href="http://homeworkhelp.co.in/" rel="nofollow"http://homeworkhelp.co.in//a

How to get rid of tire tracks?

So I had a party a few nights ago at my dads house since he is on vacation for a few weeks. He comes back in 2 days and there are tire tracks and skid marks all over my lawn and I don't know how to get rid of them. If he sees them I am dead so if anyone knows a way to get rid of tire marks please let me know...

Need some career advice?

I'm 23 years old and will be graduating in December with a BA in Economics with a minor in pre-law. I've been offered a job with Edward Jones as a financial advisor, but to be honest the corporate world just doesn't seem appealing at this point, I'm strongly considering going into the military, (I've already been through Marine Corp PLC-C) but I'm leaning more towards enlisting and CCT for the Air Force has really caught my eye.. My parents and friends think I'm an idiot to p up the career opportunities, but I'd like to hear what people with no affiliation with me think.

Why did the Spaniards not bring African slaves to Philippines?

They didn't bring any black African slaves to the Philippines but they took some native filipinos to be sold as slaves. That's the truth, believe it or not.

My Official Fantasy Draft Picks?!?!?

You definitly need to get rid of those bench RB's and get at least a back up QB and one WR. Tomlinson has very good name recognition and I've found that it's hard for alot of people to reject a trade with him in it. I would say a second QB is your top priority but its hard to tell you exactly what to do with the league being in the state its in right now and the largest free agency market in years, if not history. Try not to go for a player that may be on their way to a new team unless your positive of their talent. You might not even have to do that much work or trading. Your starting team is so good on its own, and I think one of the previous posts was correct in uming this is a 10 team league, so there will be alot of undrafted options. Maybe it would even pay off for you to go two weeks into the season and see how the free agents are adapting and then just add and drop. Hope I helped

Need help on how to use the FISKARS 6 1/2' ruler?

I don't know if the white paper on the back is to be removed or not. And how do I measure material with it? The ruler has markings on ir, but I don't know how to mark my material by the markings on the ruler . If any one has used one and know how to use it please let me know. I am having a hard time cutting out squares , half squares & ect to make a quilt top . Just if I knew how to use the ruler it would help a lot. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP.

Who do you think is better The Minnesota Vikings or the Pittsburgh Steelers?

Well, this season there is really no comparison. The Vikings fell apart this season when the Favre gamble bore no fruit. The Steelers are pretty much as they always are -- in the hunt with a winning record. Of course, "that's why they play the game."

Any Tips for the Arthritic Dog?

Hi I have a 6 year old yellow labrador. She was diagnosed with arthritis in one of her front legs when she was 2. She has been on Metacam ever since. The last few months she has been really slow I know that it is worse in the winter months. My vet says that all they can give is Metacam. It saddens me to see her limp and go slow as she is not an old dog, I just wondered if anyone had any tips that could help. Much appreciated. Thank you.

What is the BEST Digital camera to take CLOSE UP Detail?

We have a camera that has a microscope lens feature...I cant find another camera that offers this.. I need a camera that is even closer than Macro feature. But we cant find another one with the microscope len, any ideas ?? Thanks so much!

Phone call quality to/from Philippines?

i use magicjack. i could call any number in the u.s. and canada for just the cost of the unit and an internet connection. superb voice quality and virtually minimal cost. the only thing about it is that you need to have a dsl connection. it think it cost 40 dollars for the first year and 20 dollars for succeeding years.

How do I transfer contacts from a Windows Mobile phone to a non-smartphone with Verizon Wireless?

I am switching from a Samsung Omnia to a Samsung Alias; is there a way to transfer contacts from the prior to the latter without paying Verizon $20 to do it for me, be it via freeware or what have you? Please answer quickly because I want to make the switch today.

Are humans God-men, as Hu is an ancient (possibly oldest) name for God?

Also, why: human and not huwomen? (bit like Amen without Awomen I guess - or mankind and not womenkind) Any women-libbers care to complain (like - get it out of your system)?

Electrical resistance of air?

at voltage gradients less than ionizing (30kv/cm), and with dry air, is there an agreed upon resistance (or maybe called resistivity) of air, ie ohms/meter? Does the concept make sense, ie since these concepts are statistical properties of molecular phenomena, at sufficiently low values ideas like temperature, etc become meaningless since there is not a large enough population for statistics to apply. thus, is there an accepted resistivity of air, can you tell me its value or point to a source?

If antisemitsm is rooted in Christianity,why are nazi orgs so common in atheist societies?

In 2000,Holland had 46 antisemitic incidents compared to 15 for Spain,a much larger country. Yet Holland has been atheist for many generations. And wasn't antisemitsm common in the pre-Christian world? It seems to be there were any number of huge macres at various places,well before the advent of Christianity. Anyway the destruction of the second temple certainly had nothing to do with Christians and everything to do with pagans. So why do so many jewish historians try to blame all their people's trials on Christianity? That isn't causing antisemitism in contemporary Holland,and it didn't cause the destruction of the ancient Jewish state.


The electrons in an electron microscope bounce off the object to create an image. If the image is moving, the movements of the reflecting electrons will not give an accurate motion of the object.

Favorite cover songs?

I LOVE the cover of Sweet Dreams! My other favorites include John Mayer's cover of Bold As Love by Jimi Hendrix, and also RHCP's cover of Teenager In Love (originally by Dion and the Belmonts). It sounds a lot different from their usual yet it's awesome! It's on the B-side of By the Way. But I can't forget to include Regina SPektor's cover of No Surprises, by Radiohead. It's beautiful!

How to convince my parents to let me keep a bunny?

bunnies are so cute and adorable i wanted a bunny BUT i heard that there pee gives people cancer since i heard that i just like them but wont buy one idk if its true you should search it i heard it from this lady BUT NOT SHURE good luck XD

I want to buy a bike please help me na?

zmr will be a correct choice for you according to your list of requirements like its speedy and even its y. It may be a suitable one for your height and desired weight.

What is a good middle name for...?

I'm thinking about naming my son Isaiah. I need a good name that will fit into Isaiah ______ Gonzalez. Thanks for your help!